Drone Mapping
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I’m a certified and insured drone pilot, holding a General VLOS Certificate (GVC) issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). I collect and process orthorectified aerial imagery, photogrammetry point clouds and elevation models using RTK to correct satellite errors and deliver high accuracy.
RGB Orthomosaics
Multispectral Orthomosaics
3D Point Clouds
Digital Surface Models (DSM)
Canopy Height Models (CHM)
Vegetation Indices (NDVI, GNDVI, NDRE)
Machine Learning
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I train and deploy deep learning models for geospatial object detection and classification, creating custom analysis pipelines to extract valuable spatial insights from the results.
Individual Tree Detection: Including stocking density, top heights and crown dimensions.
In development
Woodland carbon estimates
Terrestrial point clouds: Integrated with individual tree analysis pipeline to extend coverage and enable diameter at breast height (DBH) measurement.
Geospatial Services
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I develop tools and data pipelines to process, analyse and visualise drone mapping survey outputs. I have also developed a tool that leverages soil and habitat surveys to create interactive Ecological Site Classification (ESC) woodland suitability maps.
Photogrammetry & LiDAR: Processing, classification and analysis.
Map Digitisation: Drone imagery feature extraction for woodland, peatland or other habitats.
Web Maps
Forest Canopy Assessment
Hydrology: Basic topography based hydrological analysis to support peatland restoration operations.
Ecological Site Classification (ESC): Woodland suitability web maps.
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I provide 3D woodland visualisations for landscape appraisals and consultations. It is possible to account for proposed establishment method, species assemblage, density, age, site operations and infrastructure such as roads and fences. Different viewpoints and stages through time can also be visualised.
3D Landscape Visualisations
Viewshed Maps